
Semaglutide for Food Noise - Video Testimonials for YouTube

September 30, 2024

Learn how semaglutide has reduced our patient's constant internal thoughts about food, also known as "food noise".

Video Transcript

Speakers: Semaglutide Experience

Please describe your experience taking Semaglutide.

Semaglutide Experience: My experience on Semaglutide has really been amazing life changing for me. I definitely was somebody who was thinking about what I was going to do, what I was going to eat while I was eating. So I would be eating breakfast and thinking about lunch or what I would have for a snack. So for me, Semaglutide had really cut down on that food noise of just always being concerned about food and what I was going to eat and whether it was the best choice for me, I'm definitely an emotional eater too. So for me, semaglutide has really helped me make better decisions when I'm emotional. and I'm reaching for foods that I wouldn't normally reach for because I'm starting to make the best decisions for me. So far semaglutide has improved my life by of course, boosting my confidence. Obviously, I've lost weight, but it also has improved my energy, although I'm a little tired on shot day. Other than that I have more energy than I used to have. I have a toddler and it was really important for me to be able to keep up with her. So being able to have that extra energy because I have dropped, the weight has been a life changing improvement. For me. I'm able to go into stores and get sizes that I haven't been able to get. I'm able to wear clothes. I love fashion. I love clothes. I'm able to wear clothes that I would not have even previously considered. So for me, it has been a huge confidence booster to lose the weight and it has made me feel a lot better about myself. I was worried about taking semaglutide because I heard so many people said that they were sick or they didn't feel well. So really, it was the side effects for me, I was concerned that the side effects would be too strong and I wouldn't be able to continue. However, I have experienced little to no side effects on semaglutide. I any side effects that I have experienced are usually do to choices that I should not be making. Anyway, for example, if I have something a little bit too heavy, a little bit too creamy, I may have a slight uh slight discomfort, but nothing that I can't push through. Nothing that uh won't remind me to, to make better choices as I'm on this weight loss journey. So I was worried about the side effects, but I have actually not experienced them at all. I've had very, very, very minimal side effects. Really I'm trying to think. I think only a few times I've had side effects at all. I decided to start some glu tide because I've been fighting my weight my whole life. I successfully would lose 10 lbs here. 10 lbs. There. Nothing was ever consistent. I would work very hard in the gym. I would try my best with calories, but I really was just eating too much all of the time. So, and I didn't really realize I was eating as much as I was until I started my semaglutide journey. And I realized how little I can eat without, you know, with feeling full or, you know, still being able to fully function. I had developed this idea that I need this whole big meal in order to feel good to function. I, I need to eat, I should eat. But the semaglutide has really helped me change those ideas around food. So that has been really special for me. I would recommend this to any of my friends. In fact, I've recommended it to several of my friends. They've said, oh my gosh, you look so good. And I'm fully transparent about my uh my semaglutide journey and I would recommend it to friends because it, for me, it was the difference. It was what moved the needle, it was what made the difference for me. Yes, I've lost weight in the past. I have never lost this much. Weight. ever really. So it has been lovely. to lose the amount of weight that I've been able to lose and to feel good and to do it in a way that where I'm not punishing myself because of the choices that I'm making, I'm making better choices. And semaglutide has really changed, changed my life and my relationship with food.

What positive changes have you noticed in your life since starting Semaglutide?

Semaglutide Experience: For me, there's a whole list of positive changes that I've noticed. My confidence has increased. My energy has increased. I can walk into a store and wear a regular size, not a plus size. I'm not limited to plus size stores. I'm not limited to plus size clothing. I can do new things with fashion. I can try things that I wasn't able to try before. It has been so wonderful. I have received so many compliments about just, you know how I look and, and the way that I've been able to lose weight. So for me, there have been, oh and honestly one of the best or most positive things that I've experienced is my relationship with food has really changed. I make better choices because I'm not making them from an emotional state or from uh what I used to consider starving. I'd be so hungry that I would just get whatever and I'm not in that situation anymore. So mentally for me, uh my relationship with food has drastically improved. I am liking things that I didn't like before. I am enjoying food. I'm enjoying my time with my friends when I'm out because I'm not solely focused on the food. So my relationship with food has changed and it's been lovely.

Were you worried about taking Semaglutide? What were your concerns and what made you decide to use it in the end?

Semaglutide Experience: Naturally, I heard a lot about the side effects of semaglutide and I was really concerned that I would feel sick and I may not even be able to tolerate the side effects. However, I have had almost none. I think, when I first started, I had a little bit, I was nauseous a little bit, but it truly was not anything that would have stopped me from doing my regular activities or going about my normal, normal day. So I was really concerned about the side effects, but I haven't had any and I'm really grateful for that. So I, although I was worried about the side effects, I have been struggling with my weight my whole life and I really just need to, to try something new, something that would help me change my relationship with food because it wasn't just about, I didn't even realize how much I was eating until I wasn't eating that much. So, ultimately, the decision to do semaglutide came from just being sick of, of failing at losing weight.

Why would you recommend our Semaglutide to a friend or loved one?

Semaglutide Experience: I would recommend some Luai to friends because it really has been a game changer. For me, it has been the difference between losing weight and not losing weight and losing weight consistently and not losing weight. Yes, I would lose five or 10 lbs here, five or 10 lbs there. But to be able to lose the amount of weight that I've been able to lose on a consistent basis has been what has changed the game for me. And I would absolutely recommend Semaglutide to any of my friends, any of my loved ones. I have recommended it to quite a few friends and loved ones. They've said, oh, you look so good. How did you lose the weight? And I have no problem telling them, girl semaglutidee. I, I'm on it and it's working. So I am still out here recommending it to friends. It has been a game changer for me. It's changed my relationship with food and it has been the key factor in my weight loss success.

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