
Ted Toburen for Ringy

March 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ted Toburen, Life Insurance Broker, Family First Life

What business problems are you solving with Ringy CRM?

Ted Toburen: So the question is what business problems am I solving by using the Ringy CRM? Well, like a lot of CRMs, it really assists in the recordkeeping, but it's been a great help in going paperless and getting rid of the stacks of paper that I had before. the ringing ability to reach out and screen. my leads by the initial text message has really been helpful and the fact that you can use this CRM on your desktop, on your ipad, on your phone if I'm on the run. And I see someone contacts me and sends me a message. I can quickly respond.

What were the reasons you chose Ringy CRM?

Ted Toburen: So what were the reasons why I chose Ringy CRM? The original motivation for any CRM was really to uh since I was going to start using telecommunications more and more was to establish a database that I could quickly file information, but also bring it back up quickly. And this would allow me to get rid of the huge stacks of paper that were piling up on my desk and in my files. but another factor that was just really a huge factor was the technical support that Ringy provides. The people are always there, they are always helpful and they're always easy to work with. Matter of fact, they're a pleasure to work with. So, Ringy is a great way to go.

Which Ringy CRM features are the most beneficial to you and why?

Ted Toburen: So which Ringy CRM features are the most beneficial to me? And uh uh and why do I think that? Well, the first that comes to mind is time savings. You know, the uploading of the leads is simple. The, the sending out of the of the text is simple. The initial text, the follow up drip text calling the leads is just a click. pulling up the up the notes and filing is simple and quick. So that is, that is just great information. But also then you can get into integrating it into your calendar, setting up appointments in your calendar. and then once again, I wouldn't be using Ringy if it wasn't for the quick and effective tech support, you can really count on them.

What recommendations do you have for others considering Ringy CRM?

Ted Toburen: So what recommendations do I have for other people considering, Ringy as their CRM? Well, it's really pretty simple. take a look at what it has to offer. I think you'll find that it's better than just about anything else out there and then participate, seriously in the onboarding process and then utilize your tech support group early and often they'll really help you out.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Ringy CRM?

Ted Toburen: So on a scale of 1 to 10. How would I rate Ringy CRM. Well, that's a tough question. As an old market researcher. I kind of philosophically believe that there's no such thing as a 10 but Ringy answers every need that I have. So I guess I have to give them a 9.9 they're really just a good product. So try it. You'll like it.

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