
Gerritt Graham, SVP Distribution at Kinetic

February 12, 2024

Gerritt Graham, SVP Distribution at Kinetic explains why he recommends Revelesco.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Gerritt Graham, SVP Distribution, Kinetic

What challenge did you have before working with Pete & Emily?

Gerritt Graham: Anyway, so I was asked to do a testimonial for Pete, which I'm so incredibly happy to do. I've worked with Pete for maybe four or five years now. It's quite incredible. I've had some experience with Emily as well and the question was, you know, what challenges or challenge that I had before starting to work with Pete and I think I would say holistically, my challenges are identifying my weaknesses and my areas that I need to grow professionally. I think as we all of us evolve in our career, hopefully we're given challenges and opportunities that we've never seen before. I mean, that's what growth is all about and to have a safe space with Pete, to explore those opportunities and those challenges and identify, you know, how to tackle them. Where are my own areas of weakness and what can I do to improve in order to capitalize and deliver the best that I can for the people that I work for. So Pete's been completely invaluable in that regard. I feel. I've levelled up in my career, every single year I've been with him, because of his advice and his counsel.

Produced with Vocal Video