
Stephanie Maclaurin, Head of Sales at Birdie

February 12, 2024

Stephanie Maclaurin, Head of Sales at Birdie explains why she recommends Revelesco.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Stephanie Maclaurin, Head of Sales, Birdie

What challenge did you have before working with Pete & Emily?

Stephanie Maclaurin: When I joined Birdie who are a mission driven SaaS start up, we were seed stage and we quickly secured our Series A investment and we were growing very quickly and we had very big ambitions and, whilst I had many years of sales leadership experience and I was working alongside some truly brilliant minds. We hadn't actually previously gone on that journey of Series A to Series B and beyond. And we were acutely aware of how powerful the experiences, the track record and road map can be in determining the success of a start up.

What did you like about them and how they worked with you?

Stephanie Maclaurin: I have a very long list as to why I like working with Pete and how he has worked with me. But I'm going to focus on the two game changing elements for me. So the first has been the frameworks that Pete has given me. So these are frameworks that have been tried, they've been tested, they are the result of years of hard work and grit and research and pure brilliance and collaboration with other revenue leaders from across the industry. And these frameworks have allowed us to build repeatable, predictable and scalable processes within Birdie that have enabled a level of growth that we wouldn't have otherwise experienced. So that's been fantastic. The second thing that I have liked has been the confidence that Pete has given me in myself and my ability and that is confidence I was really lacking. And the way that he's done that has been to create space for me to work through problems and coaching me to the answer and helping me realize that often I do have the answer in myself already. And what we then need is Pete's brilliance on top of it and those frameworks that then take it to that next level. But the other way that he's done that is by fostering an environment of psychological safety and making sure that there is complete trust between the two of us. So that not only can I actually accept compliments from him knowing that they are based on true industry comparisons and I can feel proud of myself when I receive that compliment. But also giving me pointers on where I could be better and how I can take Birdie to that next level. So these are two things: frameworks and confidence, that I will be forever grateful for.

What results did you get with Pete & Emily?

Stephanie Maclaurin: It's been great to see the in month, in quarter, in year results, that have come as a result of working with Pete. But I think if I reflect over the last couple of years of working with him, the key things have been surpassing that £10 million of ARR mark is a really exciting milestone for us to hit as a business, but also securing our Series B investment because that meant we were able to evidence that we had a predictable and a scalable revenue machine that they were willing to back and invest in.

Produced with Vocal Video