
Estelle McCartney for Revelesco Video Testimonials

January 09, 2024

Estelle describes why she recommends Pete Crosby & Revelesco.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Estelle McCartney, Chief Growth Officer, Arctic Shores

What challenge did you have before working with Pete & Emily?

Estelle McCartney: A key challenge was around getting focus on the things that take a successful start up to a successful scale up and getting alignment around what that focus should be across the teams and the company and then having the discipline to really stick to that focus. So to think about not just what should we start doing or continue doing, but what should we stop doing as well?

What did you like about them and how they worked with you?

Estelle McCartney: I really love that they bring a blend of incredible operational experience and expertise but with really skilled consultancy, ask brilliant questions, listen really carefully and make you really stop and think. But also while keeping it fun.

What results did you get with Pete & Emily?

Estelle McCartney: When I think about the results I've had and working with Pete, I put them into two buckets. The first are the bucket of some really tangible business impact. Impact on our metrics and our numbers. And I think particularly around the advice and counsel he's given on focusing on ICP, on deciding ICP and then really maintaining that discipline on ICP focus. And then the second bucket is the impact that he's had on me personally as a leader in a scale up and how I approach problems, how I stop and think and, I had just different lenses from which I look at some of those problems or challenges. And both of those buckets, both the tangible metrics and the impacts on my style and my way of working have really been beneficial.

Produced with Vocal Video