
RESET Quick Testimonials

September 27, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Davis - Encanto Island, Jennica, Shereen, Petra, Kevin, Dr. Backus, Dr. Lee, & Dr. Akanda. Dr. Lena Huynh, Manteca Transformers Island. Dr. Deborah Esteves, Vacaville- Paradise Island. Dr. Melissa Campbell, Vacaville-Alcatraz Island. Dr. Chelsey Villanueva, Fairfield-Motunui Sea Island. Dr. Yolanda Backus, Davis Encanto Island. Dr. Cheryl Cruz, Fairfield-D-Best Ohana Island. Dr. Kris Kordana, Module Leader Davis. MA Rockstars: Sarah & Tenia, CVL Transformers & Charlie's Angels. Dr. Mike Molina, Vacaville- The A Team. Dr. Michael Emerzian, Chief, Roseville (Hoping for Gilligans Island). Doreen Roberts, AMGA Central Valley

Dr. Kris Kordana: 2/3 of the docs, me included were somewhat skeptical when we first heard about RESET, it sounded too good to be true, but we decided to do it because it was a pilot.

Dr. Kris Kordana: I would say to today, not a single doctor in Davis would even consider going, going back!

Dr. Deborah Esteves: As a physician here, Prior to RESET, I was considering leaving Kaiser because I wasn't satisfied not being able to see my patients when they needed to be seen.

Doreen Roberts: When I round on my teams There's excitement in the air. My employees are so happy to have open access for their patients!

Dr. Yolanda Backus: RESET has made me realize is that it doesn't have to be "us" versus "them" It doesn't have to be providers and administrators at opposite ends of the table.

Dr. Lena Huynh: RESET has brought back my JAMM, which I seem to have misplaced some time ago!

Dr. Melissa Campbell: It has given me time to manage my inbox and actually made the inbox portion of things a tool for good practice, not just extra duties at the end of the day that I have to do.

Dr. Cheryl Cruz: In reality, I don't think that I could have stayed practicing medicine and raised two kids, a dog, a cat and stay with my husband, if it weren't for RESET

Dr. Chelsey Villanueva: The work isn't less. The work isn't less. That's first and foremost, the work is just different and it feels better! squishy and hard to describe.

Dr. Michael Emerzian: I have never ever seen a situation where physicians in mass increase their FTE. That is what we've seen

Dr. Mike Molina: Now I look at our scorecard, I say our scorecard because it, it belongs to my medical assistant and me. I look at it every month and I see the health of my panel so much better now than it was 2 years ago

MA Rockstars: Sarah & Tenia: I love RESET because it's forever changed. My work, life work no longer feels like work. My patients thoroughly enjoy it. My doctor and I communicate so well and life is so much better. The reason why I love RESET is that me and my doctor, it feels like more like a family practice, private practice. I should say. We get to take charge of our own schedule and our patients get to be seen sooner and that's the reason why I love RESET.

Davis - Encanto Island:

Produced with Vocal Video