
Fallin' for RESET: Teamwork

November 28, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Dr. Campbell & Lisa, Vacaville - Alcatraz Island. Dr. Vitug and Tina, Napa - Isla TNT Island. Sarah and Tenia, Manteca - Transformers & Charlie's Angels Islands. Medina, Aurora, Jolanda, Julie, Roseville - Fantasy Island. Katie and Luwana, Vacaville - RESET OG's. Bailey, Vacaville - Alcatraz Island. Carey, Susie, Tina, Napa - Isla TnT Island. Jackie, Vacaville - RESET OG's. Esmeralda, Napa - Spice Island

Sarah and Tenia: I love RESET because it's forever changed my work life. Work no longer feels like work. My patients thoroughly enjoy it. My doctor and I communicate so well. And life is so much better.

Jackie: The reason we're so successful with RESET is because it's not just me doing outreach for pap smears and MDP's. [The doctors] are sending out just as many messages as I am. They're making phone calls, there are some text messages, some home visits. I mean, we're really doing this together.

Esmeralda: My doctor supports me in a huge way. He basically tells me, hey, you're in charge of my schedule. You're in control. What you do, I follow. So I schedule the patients.

Carey, Susie, Tina: Having that power She's the boss. I'm the boss!

Medina, Aurora, Jolanda, Julie: Dr. Grove is great. He values my opinion!

Katie and Luwana: With Dr. Davis, every morning, we have a mini huddle before the schedule starts. So we just partner together to go through the schedule to make sure everyone is together and in line, and then we decide how we want to work the next day on our RESET schedule.

Bailey: Doctor Carroll supports me and is always making sure that I'm taken care of and thanking me for the work that I do.

Dr. Vitug and Tina: What I also like about RESET is the bonds we have made as a team. We really work great together. So, thank you for bringing RESET to Napa.

Dr. Campbell & Lisa: We love it. Working with Lisa is the best!


Produced with Vocal Video