
Tony Drockton for Wall of Love 2022

February 01, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Tony Drockton, Chief Cheerleader , Hammitt

What has been the most significant impact of working with us?

Tony Drockton: The most significant impact of working with ResellerRatings is simply their team, helping my team think differently and grow and evolve in everything around our business, not just our ratings and reviews.

How are we different from other similar products or services?

Tony Drockton: ResellerRatings is different because they care and because they're there. They participate in the process human to human. They're not just a software that you set it and forget it. They're behind you every step of the way.

How does your business use your shoppers' voice in a strategic way?

Tony Drockton: We focus on the voice of our shoppers every day by communicating with them and encouraging them to communicate with each other. We like to say it Hammett. We create relationships one at a time and help others do the same.

How would you describe ResellerRatings in three words?

Tony Drockton: The three words that I would use for ResellerRatings is focused on results.

Produced with Vocal Video