
Robbie Carnegie for Sales Mastery Course Testimonial

July 10, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Robbie Carnegie

In your own words, please tell us how completing the Juice Sales Mastery course has benefitted you.

Robbie Carnegie: So, completing the sales mastery course obviously made me more confident, which is probably the the most obvious answer. What it really helped to do for me as well was two other things which was create myself my own set of values, which I'll stick to. And it also made me re evaluate my wins differently.

In your opinion, which part of the course has been most impactful to you and your business development activity?

Robbie Carnegie: For me, the mindset and motivation part of the course is probably the most impactful. I think it helped me overcome, I think it was very impactful in helping me overcome fears that I had about sales calls even subliminally. So for me, I think that was the most helpful part.

What 3 words would you use to describe the Juice Sales Mastery course?

Robbie Carnegie: The three words I would use to describe the course would probably be informative, inspiring and rewarding.

Produced with Vocal Video