
Usman for REC Video Testimonials

December 07, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Usman Ali, Campaigns Advisor

Usman Ali: Hi there, my name's Usman, I'm a campaigns advisor here at the REC and I just want to give a very quick update to members regarding the recent Home Office immigration announcements. We understand just how concerned members are about the recent increases to salary thresholds for visas alongside the Home Office's upcoming review of the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) process. In terms of our lobbying activity, we have spoken to the Home Office and have asked them for a round table exclusively for REC members. This is a brilliant opportunity for REC members to feed into us about any case studies that they have about the impacts of the proposed changes and how this will affect your businesses. Our Deputy CEO, Kate Shoesmith, is also attending a trade association call with the Confederation for British Industry (CBI) next week to feed in our views on the recent immigration announcements. Please share your insights with me at Usman.Ali@rec.uk.com

Produced with Vocal Video