
Anthony Mitchell from America's Health Insurance Plans AHIP shares how they use Quorum

January 24, 2024

Anthony Mitchell, Vice President of Federal Affairs at America's Health Plans AHIP, provides a detailed breakdown of challenges his team overcame using Quorum.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Anthony Mitchell, Vice President, Federal Affairs

Without Quorum, what kind of challenges did you face?

Anthony Mitchell: I think for us, just like many other organizations that do federal advocacy, state advocacy outreach to public officials. There are three big things that they and you know, we may have struggled with one of them being organizing around advocacy and outreach, right? How do we find the people to talk to? How do we find the issues that they care about? How do we find who their staffers are in a way that's succinct and easy in one singular place. So that was the first thing. The second thing is tracking the engagements that we have with them. So how do we, you know, keep track of how many meetings we have, how many calls we sent to the office, how many emails we sent to the staff, how many, you know, principal level engagements we've had. And then the third one I would say is showing our work. So being able to populate a spreadsheet based off of the information that I just previously mentioned in terms of our engagement and outreach efforts, being able to be translated into a graph or a sheet or some kind of way that explains in a visual representation, what our advocacy and outreach efforts amounted to.

How did Quorum help resolve these issues?

Anthony Mitchell: Quorum has been super cool in terms of being able to not only find out who to talk to and who their staff are and get that contact information all in one place and what issues they care about. And demographic data of course, but also tracking outreach to those people and making it very easy to record notes for outreach efforts in terms of emails, in terms of phone calls, in terms of, you know, actual in-person meetings or even, you know, political events. And then the last piece of that is being able to demonstrate that by exporting a table, right, or a chart or a sheet that explains in great detail with hard numbers and figures about what our efforts amounted to and what it looks like. So, you know, it it's super simple, super easy to not only find who to talk to, but record it and then be able to publish it later.

What results did you see?

Anthony Mitchell: As someone who's in the government affairs and lobbying space, it's really easy to lose track of how many meetings and how many conversations and how many engagements you've had. Not just with principles but with the staff and follow up subsequent meetings, just because the nature of the work requires you to be, you know, always on, but also constantly communicating and constantly talking and, then getting your point across, but also being open to those folks. And so being able to have a one stop shop like Quorum to be able to capture that information and then, you know, turn into usable data. has made me a better, you know, and more efficient and my role of our team to become a little bit better in terms of, you know, being succinct, but also being specific in terms of the minutia of the data and how we articulate that to, you know, different populations of different constituencies, which has made all the difference.

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