
Testimonial Clips for APS with MB

February 26, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Matthew Bland, Graduate Student, Princeton University. Morten Kjaergaard, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

Could you describe a time that QCage improved your workflow in the lab?

Morten Kjaergaard: After we started working with the QCage, we started getting much more reliable results from all our chips because the mounting and the bonding of the chip was no longer a variable in our process flow. It means that we could remove this uncertainty and this doubt from our experimental protocols and workflow given the reliability and reproducibility of using QCage.

How does QCage help with your particular type of experiment?

Matthew Bland: By using QCages we've seen that our packaging losses have decreased which allows us to investigate a larger parameter space for our devices. In addition to that QCages have provided us with a systematic reproducible - as well as - a simple way to package all of our devices.

How would you describe QCage in three words?

Morten Kjaergaard: It's reliable, it's reproducible and it's highly optimized.

Matthew Bland: In three words, I would describe QCage as efficient, easy to use and well designed.

Produced with Vocal Video