Speaker: Maura C.
Can you describe a time that Qinektd LLC helped you?
Maura C.: A time that I recently found the Qinektd LLC website resourceful was when my grandmother had a fall, and she has been diagnosed with dementia and on their website, they do provide a lot of links. Not only for, you know, resources to help find care for a loved one that you have that is suffering from this disease, but also for caregivers and family members and how to best manage you know, those symptoms for your loved one.
How would you describe Qinektd LLC in three words?
Maura C.: The three words I would use to describe Qinektd are resourceful, innovative and reliable with all of the resources that they do provide on an innovative basis. You know, these, these resources are new. And it's something that we've never had within the medical care system. Reliable. You know, you can trust all of the sources that come from this website. They have been vetted and well established and then resourceful, you know, it provides all of the resources that a caregiver or an individual suffering from dementia or illness. the resources that they need to provide for themselves.
Why is Qinektd LLC different from other similar products or services?
Maura C.: Qinektd is unique in that it provides you with all of the information that you might search for when looking for resources for a caregiver. But within one place, you know, most of the time you kind of have to search the web and maybe find the best resources which does take time. It does take energy. And you know, the best thing about this website is that just off the bat provides you with the best resources that are available within this market.
Would you recommend Qinektd LLC to other people you know?
Maura C.: I recommend this website to every single person I meet that also suffers from the stress of taking care of a loved one that is suffering from these illnesses and diseases. You know, old age within our nation. It's a growing demographic and a lot of children and, and adults are now, you know, preparing to take care of their older loved ones. And the resources provided on this website are unique. They're unlike any other. And whenever I meet a fellow friend or, or person that just has that same connection to this medical field, I immediately share this website to them and, and offer that. they look at that for assistance.