
Karinina Q., RN

June 06, 2024

Hear from Kari Q., RN at PureDropIV and her insights as a Mobile Drip Team IV therapy nurse.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kari Q., Mobile Drip Team

? What's your nursing superpower? ?‍♀️??#NurseHero

Kari Q.: Hi, I'm Kari and I am a pre op and post op nurse. Uh, my superpower is meeting clients with compassion. So on surgery day, you know, most people are not the best versions of themselves. It's a scary and emotional time and us pre op nurses are able to meet those clients with compassion. You know, let them know that we're there for them, answer any questions they might have start that IV right on time and just make sure that they understand every step of the process and are comfortable with it. Um And as the post-operative nurse, uh you're there to manage their symptoms, anticipate what's next for them, explain what, you know, what to expect in the recovery, uh and give them that reassurance that they'll be able to take the next steps to heal. So, you know, I, I love being a mobile IV drip nurse starting those IV so have a lot of experience in and it feels good, you know, to work with the client and make sure that you're working together to optimize their health

? Any standout experiences you've had with a PureDropIV client? ??‍⚕️ #IVMDT

Kari Q.: So I had a client suffering from a pretty severe migraine. She was having an awful headache, she was having vision problems, um, extreme nausea. And after sitting with her and coming up with a treatment plan together, she agreed to take some of the medications and vitamins that we provide. Um, and once the service was completed, she reported feeling extremely better. You could see the color come back, she was able to lift her head up and it just felt good to work with the client, um, and see those changes in real time and you really feel the trust that these clients have in these mobile drip team nurses. You know, we're the ones that have the knowledge to help them in times where, you know, I'm lucky she was able to work with me if I had a migraine. I don't know if I'd be able to really communicate. So, you know, having that knowledge and anticipating exactly what they need and, you know, being able to communicate that even in a situation where communication can be challenging, um, it just, it feels really good and it's a great way to provide a service to someone that's suffering.

?What lights you up about being a Mobile Drip Team RN @ PureDropIV? ? ?? #MDTRN

Kari Q.: What lights me up about being a mobile drip team nurse is promoting preventative care to our clients. I really love being able to explain how our vitamins um drastically improve our quality of life. Whether it's, you know, improving our longevity or boosting our immunity, you know, our overall bodily functions. It is so empowering to help clients take charge of their own health and it's just a meaningful connection you can have with your clients, your neighbors, your colleagues and yourself, you know, just having this knowledge as a nurse just it just becomes a new superpower.

Produced with Vocal Video