
Steven Chevrier for Employee Pulse Stories

April 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Steven Chevrier, Project Manager

What is your favorite accessory? Please explain why - and how you use it.

Steven Chevrier: All right. So the question is, what is my favorite accessory, I would say right now, my favorite the rings. Uh The reason being is these are the strongest, if not one of the strongest accessories, um which means that they provide a, a large, a very strong magnetic field in a very concentrated area. So lately I've been trying to get back into running. Uh anyone who's, who's done a decent bit of running knows that that puts a lot of wear and tear on your, your joints. A lot of people for a lot of people, it's the knees. Um That's what it is for me. So I love using the rings, strapping them on either side of my knee. And because these can get so much magnetic field into a concentrated area, they allow me to turn the machine all the way up to full power. And I only need to spend about 6 to 10 minutes on each knee to start feeling a huge improvement, which means that I can have a better recovery in between my runs while only needing to spend a max of 20 minutes on the machine each day.

What is your personal pulsing schedule?

Steven Chevrier: All right. So the question is, what is my pulsing schedule? Um Right now, I really wish I maybe had a better regimen for pulsing every single day. Um Most of the time I can only pulse at night and it is be because this machine has some lights and some knobs and it makes a ticky noise. And I have a 2.5 year old daughter here in the house who is very curious and it doesn't really matter where I am. If she hears this machine turn on while she's awake, she will come find me and she starts playing with all of the knobs and, you know, adjusting my settings and stuff. So I mostly pulse at night. Um I like to do, you know, full body pulsing while I'm watching TV, or reading a book. Um And then I talked to my previous video about how if I've got a lot of runs, if I'm planning on doing a lot of runs in the week, then I'll try to set aside time to pulse my knees, um, or any other target areas.

What results have I seen in my wellness goals from incorporating PEMF into my life?

Steven Chevrier: Ok. So the question is what results have I seen in my wellness goals from incorporating pe MF into my life. Um, I actually have a, have a fun one to share. So I'm 27 years old. Um, I just turned 27 about a month ago. So when I was 26 years old, I set a goal that I wanted to run a marathon, um, while I was 26 years old. So it was gonna be a marathon's 26.2 miles. So I wanted to run 26 miles at 26 years old. So growing up I did a lot of running, I ran cross country and track. Um, but it always, uh, one of the issues that I would run into is knee problems. I would go to a physical therapist, um, because my knees would just hurt from putting so many miles on them. Um, so what's been cool is I kind of left running aside for a few years and got back into it when I set this goal of 26 miles at 26 years old. And I talked about this in my previous video, but I've used the rings a ton for pulsing my knees. And I've seen huge, huge, I, uh positive results from doing that. Um, especially, you know, after I've been doing a lot of runs day after day and it's really wearing on my knees. I feel like just a short amount of time on the machine helps my knees feel less achy, um, less sore. I, I, it just increases my recovery time so I can start training more. So, um I, I was successful in accomplishing the goal. Um I was really nervous. Um It, it definitely hurt and I pulsed a lot afterwards. Uh There was plenty of parts on my body that um needed pulsing after, after I ran that. But so um yeah, it was uh three days before I turned 27. Um I ran 26 miles at 26 years old and uh I largely largely credit that to having a pulse, having a pulse machine. Um highly accessible while I was training.

What is your favorite thing about Pulse PEMF technology?

Steven Chevrier: OK. So the question is, what is your favorite thing about Pulse Pe MF technology? Um I'm gonna give two things. I know that's directly against the question. But um the first, well, they, they're somewhat similar. So the first thing that I like about pulse pe MF technology is um that it's a holistic solution um for, you know, addressing different issues. Um A lot of modern medicine and health care is centered around putting band aids on top of problems and treating the symptoms, but not the actual problem. So, what I have always loved about pulse is that the technology really helps the body heal at the source of the issue rather than just covering it up with a band-aid. The second thing that I like it that I, that I would say is my favorite thing about pulse pe MF technology is that it's, it's kind of like a one size fits all solution. Um It doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter what type of shape you're in, it doesn't matter what type of issues you might be having pulse literally can help anything and everyone at any stage in their life. So it's, it's a one size fits all solution. That's ok. We might have to edit that one out. It's a one size fits all solution and it really treats the source of the issue rather than just covering up the symptoms with a band aid.

Why do I work at Pulse? What's my favorite thing about working at Pulse?

Steven Chevrier: OK, this is a good one. So why do I work at Pulse? And what is my favorite thing about working at Pulse? So, um and they're kind of the same. Um I'll just answer, why do I love working at Pulse? Uh I love working at Pulse because I identify with and strongly believe in the company's overall mission and the impact that we have on people's lives. So they say that if you pick a career you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Well, I think it takes it a whole step further when you find a company that you really align with their mission and, and, and here we have a technology that blesses impacts improves absolutely changes people's lives. Um And as I mentioned in the previous one, it's kind of a one size fits all. It doesn't really matter what your background is, it doesn't matter what, what avenues you may or may not have tried our technology absolutely changes people's lives. So, um I'll reference quickly just uh an early experience I had working at the company. Um and I brought my mom in to do training with one of the um product specialists at the time. And my mom has struggled with a series of health issues for as long as I can remember, um, neuropathy in, in the feet. Um, diabetes lo lots of different issues. Um And I remember my mom spent one session with the product specialist and um at the end of the session, she was bawling her eyes out and, and told me that she felt something that she had not been able to feel in years. Um, and having used the equipment, it helped her restore some feeling in her feet that she had been losing because of the issues that she had. And, and she's obviously spent years and years going to different doctors and traveling down different avenues and, and nothing's really worked for her like pulse has.

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