
dara 60th - test

January 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dara Treseder, 2023 Board Chair, Public Health Institute

Dara Treseder: I'm so proud of PHI. I think what makes us special is our ability to bring groups that may not always see eye to eye together to make a difference and drive impact. You know, an example of this is the work that we did when COVID-19 struck under Mary's leadership, Mary led PHI to work in partnership with more than 2400 grassroots organizations and community based organizations in 29 states and 220 counties to support vaccination, equity and access. We don't know what the next stage will look like when, whether it's dealing with a pandemic, whether it's dealing with all the determinants of health. But what we do know is that by coming together by bringing all the different stakeholders together, whatever it is, we'll be ready to face it, head on and make a difference, transforming lives and making our communities healthier and safer.

Produced with Vocal Video