
Danny Amos for ProMindset Video Testimonials

October 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Danny Amos

Please introduce yourself and the current football club you play for.

Danny Amos: I'm Danny Amos. I played with Cops at Donna and also work with him and now I'm currently playing at Green Town.

How did working on your mentality improve your game? and what was the biggest improvement?

Danny Amos: Yeah, I think for me, it was massive uh diving into the mentality side of football and obviously just understanding that you can't control every, every situation in the game, you can only control what you, what you do. Um So the biggest improvement would be just realizing that um and just like affecting it in terms of if I made a mistake or done something wrong, it just be getting me head school back on and making sure the next thing I did would, would be successful.

Did you realise the importance of developing your mentality before you worked with us?

Danny Amos: Yeah, I never really understood how important it was to be fair. Um, the mentality side of football until I did speak to Cops. I was a young lad to be fair. So I was probably a little bit naive in a sense and when you start playing regular, I think you need to think about it a lot more. Um, and that's what Cops may be doing. Like I said, it would, it would really beneficial for me in my career, especially at that age as well.

What percentage would you assign to mentality/mindset in your role as a player and have you continued to develop it?

Danny Amos: I'd probably say it was like an 80% 20% for me. Um It's massive, especially knowing, knowing what I know now in terms of the mentality behind the football games and even on training on a daily basis, you know, you get up and down weeks and stuff. So I think for me, 80% mental is, is um is a percentage for me. And like I say, I think it's just massive in terms of dealing with what you're, what you, what you see on a game day, the aftermath of it and beforehand and just preparing yourself and stuff like that for everything that can happen.

Do you think players work on their mentality enough? If no, Why do you think this is?

Danny Amos: Yeah, I don't think it spoke about a lot. I don't think people understand, um, what it's like in terms of how we can dive so deep into the mentality side of it. Um, I know me and Cops had a brief chat, um, and we had, like we spoke daily and stuff about it and we didn't even scratch the surface of it all and I know how deep it can go. Um, so I think once players do realize that, that I think it can be helped around multiple clubs and I think it'll affect individuals a lot better. Um, I think it'll improve everybody as well.

Would you recommend us to other players? and if so WHY?

Danny Amos: Yeah, I would 100% recommend it to, to any players. And I think, especially at young years, I know it really helped me coming through the ranks at Don speak to Cops about it all. Um I didn't quite understand how deep it could get. Um, and like I say, dealing with the aftermath and before end of the game situation, you know, especially playing regular, um like I say, it's helped me adapt to and improve, especially in terms of um what you come up against and what you can feel before after games, during training, everything like on a daily basis, I don't think it's spoke about enough. So I think people should 100% reach out. And I said, dive deep into the mentality side of it because people won't realize how far it actually goes.

Describe your overall experience with us?

Danny Amos: My overall experience was like phenomenal. Like I say, it really worked, worked for me. And this diving down into the mentality side of football is, is massive, especially now. Now I know what I know and how to handle certain situations. And I say I'm still working, I'm still, I'm still learning, I'm still doing myself at 23. So I think there's a lot more for me to learn. And like I say, I think it really helped kick start my career. Um and hopefully I can continue to speak to cops about it and others and stuff like that and like I say, it can really, it can only help me. Um like I say, it can only be beneficial for me and also my teammates and stuff like that if I'm doing well and just understanding the side of it or maybe I can relate to them. And I said, just understand the game and the mentality side of the game and yeah, definitely, it's perfect.

Produced with Vocal Video