
The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Paola Senes, Sterebeek, Belgium

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Paola Senes: Hello. So my name is uh Paolo. I'm based in Belgium and Italy in Sardinia where I am now. Um I'm focusing on climate on four fronts and each front um fits to the other one. First of all, I'm a climate student. So I study all the time about climate issues, the science behind it and the solutions, but I'm also a climate protection. So um if I study natural based solutions, I plant a tiny forest in my own small garden. If I study sustainable fashion, I start to only where sustainable fashion. I focused on pre loved preus uh second hand uh fashion. Um If I am studying um sustainable mobility, I only use um bicycles, food, electric vehicles and public transportation and so on so forth. I'm also an investor. I'd like to uh be an entrepreneur before and do my own exit. So my small savings I've been investing in by now 15 between climate start ups and climate funds. Um So I also um support the early stage of um technology, climate technology developments, but also some mature stage like implementing, implementing um net zero a journey in mature companies as an investor and as a board director and also I am um climate influencer. So through my lifestyle, which is uh not the zero, my carbon footprint is three tons per year, 3.5. I try to inspire and trigger discussion.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Paola Senes: Hello, my name is Paolo. I'm based in uh Sardinia, Italy and Belgium as well. Um I'm fully focused on climate since 2019. And my solution is to be the change that I want to see in the in the world regarding climate. So I study climate from the science standpoint to the solutions. I also am a combat protection. So um if we need a sustainable fashion, then I embrace it. So for example, at this stage, I'm only wearing a preus um clothes, second hand clothes and I give away mine if I want to do um carbon capture and I want to do landscape regeneration. I studied and then I plant a tiny forest with my Avai method in my garden. That's another example or as an investor, which is my, my main day job. I invest in direct air carbon capture, for example, or in nuclear fusion. If I want to um bet on long term energy solutions for society, I'm also try to be an influencer. So with my lifestyle and sometimes um extreme um lifestyle choices, I inspire discussions in my circles and outside of my circles and I try to inspire people, especially um influence influential people to start to do the changes in their own life, but especially in their own organization when they have a leading position or simply in their own office.

Produced with Vocal Video