
Sydney Rodman for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 27, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Sydney Rodman, Potomac, MD, USA

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Sydney Rodman: Hi, my name is Sidney Rodman. I'm a young climate entrepreneur from Maryland in the United States. I started an organization after seeing a climate issue up close, I had a conservation job in upstate New York removing invasive species, scuba diving in one of the clearest lakes in the US. And I saw at the end of, at the end of every day, the amount of waste that came from removing uh a plant called Eurasian No Oil that was growing way too fast, hurting the aesthetics and real estate values. And I saw that invasive plants also start wildfires, extinctions, biodiversity collapse. And many problems that we don't realize are from these plants that don't stop growing. And so I started a company to solve that issue. And whenever there's a problem with invasive plants, plant overgrowth plants from hurricanes that are um just where they shouldn't be. Every plant has a purpose. And so what my company does and what my role in the cli in my uh in the climate story is to find the purpose and industry for a plant, whether that's chemicals, materials or energy so that there is a closed circular economy. Um in any county in the US that you can find.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Sydney Rodman: My name is Sidney Rodman. I'm in Maryland of the United States and I am a climate entrepreneur and really what inspires me to care and work on climate and climate solutions is a vision of a green revival where when you, when you are outside, when you're in nature, there is just more, more life, more plants, more bird singing. And really you can see this change because of your actions and the actions of your community that the, the trees and everything around you is thanking you for protecting them. And that also comes from a Jewish concept where we live in a garden. The world is a garden and it's ours to uh help plant and keep goodness in and then weed out the bad so that we can live in a place that is um just flourishing and that needs us to be part of it because without a garden, there's no gardener and as a human being who wants to make a change, I really want to be part of creating green revival. And um everyone has a role to create um revival and to have that vision of greenness of life of community

Produced with Vocal Video