
paul F perkins for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

October 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Paul F Perkins, Bath, Maine

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Paul F Perkins: Hi, my name is Paul Perkins. I'm 75. I'm retired. I live in Bath Maine and I'm a co-chair of our local Climate Action Committee on a personal level. Um, my wife and I have taken a house built in the 18 fifties and transitioned it from being, uh, entirely dependent on fossil fuels for all of our energy to being all electric. And, uh, having that energy come from a solar farm of which we are a small part owners. It's been a long process. It's taken uh several decades, but it's exciting to be all electric at this point. Uh, as my, in my work as a co-chair of the climate committee in town. Uh, we are currently finishing up a climate action plan plan for the town which will attempt to chart a path for the town on how to reduce emissions and prepare for climate impacts. I care deeply about this issue and I suspect it's for many reasons, but primarily comes from my love of the natural world in which I had, um, the opportunity to play much as a child. And it comes from my wish to leave a bright future for my grandchildren and all Children. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Paul F Perkins: Hi, my name is Paul Perkins. I'm 75. I live in Bath Maine and I've been a climate activist for a number of years. I think what catalyzed me to become an activist was watching Al Gore's movie back in 2006. At which time watching the, um, videos of melting glaciers and parched landscapes and wildfires, et cetera left me feeling that I had no alternative really other than to take action. Um, frankly, I don't really understand how anybody who really understands the science cannot be motivators to get involved. Um, my grandchildren, my Children and my grandchildren are certainly, um, foremost in my mind when I think about what legacy I want to leave, but I care deeply about the future of humanity and Children in general and that keeps me going. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video