
M A Mahamud Yeamin for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 27, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: M A Mahamud Yeamin, Bangladesh

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

M A Mahamud Yeamin: Hello everyone. I am Amy Mohamed, the I'm the climate specialist and researcher and um my share view of them living in Bangladesh. Currently, I'm living b and uh currently working in 90 countries in the whole world and uh basically climate and environment. And my journey is the started in 2022 and basically started and working in the 2020 20 because the COVID time is very special these times. And this is my solution is the climate, climate D seven and climate. I it is a very fantastic innovation and a fantastic idea because these ideas mentioned is available to the 90 countries, almost done. 90 countries almost help this process and help the solution. This solution is too divided and this problem, this innovation. And the second, this is the idea generation and the research is very helpful these two times and this present, this is a very highly to comparison to the economic development and the low economic development city. And this is the plastic review and the seaside area and the seaside this country, it's helpful this project and the main project, the climate, high one earth and one chance is a very excellency to the development of the future goals to 2030. And these times, we are the successfully 90 countries that launch Climate Eye and they supported by still now with the success, 87% almost success is very fantastic. And this working and this is uh supported the area, vehicles and the area side the seaside area. This is almost done and the climate reduce and this uh plastic almost fusil food is almost overdone and very many organization and the government to help this time. And uh now is my climate solution. My climate policy is very helpful this time and this helps in other society and make a different platform and different creation and climate. I is very helpful. This is children's youth and upcoming the future generation to the new environment policy and the new environment thinking of mind and the great education and the climate and the both. And this is the the biggest challenging process in this whole world. That is my common solution and climate problems and have helped this 87 times 75%. They increase day by day. That's it. Thank you so much.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

M A Mahamud Yeamin: Uh I'm Mohamed David. Uh my climate solution and my climate M pat and the basically upcoming future generation. And this is the African continent, the youth site peoples and the youth. And this basically Asia continent of the youth society is main inspired for me because I saw this problem, African continent. This is a very uh climate problems and the everyday plastic side problem, the plastic sides problem and this problem that that's my point of view and the side of the view of the youth and it changed this of the site and it changed the view of this, the African continent peoples in all this country to the health, this plastic reduce problems and the fossil fuels and the water problem. I changed this problem and I can solve this. And this is my my climate solution, the climate eye and this great education to help this African continent, 25 cities, five countries that most of us, Sudan, Nigeria, Africa, South Africa, ma ma ma Somalia. This is a helpful, this 25 country, almost a health and is my sub 87%. And as I see this youth is very inspired for me and almost uh 80,000 youth to join my youth uh climate Solution program. And this is pro pro project uh climate I this almost uh help this 80 tho uh 8000 students and the youth and help this plastic reduce problem. Fil was everything we can help this exercise. So I it may inspire the youth and upcoming future generation because after the future generation, the new environment and the new change because One Earth and the One Nature and this almost titled, this is The Back, The Nature and the Make the Future because it's very important for this over the next generation. And this is inspired for me, youth and upcoming future generation. So that's the point of view that help this the 87% the plastic reduce problem fossil fuels, water environment replantation. All most I can dissolve this African continent country. And my success is percent, 87% almost 6%. And my goal is 2025 change, our new environment creation and the new environment revolution when almost done and almost police is complete. So now 2025 all these people and all the CEO to see the eyes and the new environment, create new environmental revolution. That's it. Thank you everyone. Thank you so much.

Produced with Vocal Video