
Hailey Lampe for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Hailey Lampe, Port Townsend, WA, USA

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Hailey Lampe: My name is Haley. I live in Washington State and I am a regenerative garden coach and landscape designer. I help my community implement climate actions right outside their back doors in a couple of ways. I coach people in growing more food at home, which helps decrease their carbon footprints by having more local food sources. I coach people on implementing regenerative soil care methods which helps them to not use more carbon in the first place and sequester carbon from the atmosphere right under their feet. I also help people grow ecosystems right outside their backdoors by having more native resilient plants and native resilient ecosystems in our urban spaces. It actually helps make our wildlife more resistant to any changes that we will experience from our current climate change. I choose to coach people and educate people because I think knowledge is what a lot of people are seeking when it comes to climate solutions. We're all busy. We all have a lot to do and there's a lot that we are all having to think and sometimes worry about in this world. And so I think sometimes just having a person that you can ask questions to. And a person who can provide some of that knowledge such as garden coaching, such as a landscape design will help people actually feel empowered to take on climate change solutions within their own community.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Hailey Lampe: My name is Haley. I live in Washington State and I am a regenerative garden coach and landscape designer. And one thing that inspires me to take positive climate action is that I spend my professional and my recreational time in two very different ecosystems, recreationally, I am a sailor and a free diver. And so I spend a lot of time in and on the water and it's a place that has been important to me since I was a small child. However, professionally, I am a garden coach and landscape designer. So I spend a lot of time in the soil. Many people think of these two ecosystems as very, very different and it's true that they are. However, I know that when I take positive climate actions, it actually helps both of those ecosystems that I love. So I get to combine my professional and my recreational life uh together through the climate actions that I take.

Produced with Vocal Video