
Brian for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brian, Glen Cove, New York, United States

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Brian: Hi, my name is Brian Torres. I'm a filmmaker from New York. For the past 16 years. I have been documenting uh the story of a snow peak that is disappearing because of climate change. This snow peak is located in Colombia where I was born. And through producing the story of the documentary, we have gone to different scenarios. We have uh gone to several schools in New York to tell the story. Uh do doing a presentation, telling them how important it is to be aware of climate solutions and to gather knowledge of how you you could contribute as an individual. We have also gone to several climbing marches and we have also joined uh organizations that have the same purpose to pursue climate solutions and you know, take daily action towards them. And that's why I'm here today with the project drawdown, collaborating for the Global Solutions Diary. Uh because I believe uh each person has the capacity to help the world through their professional skills or through their personal knowledge. Um The two person that have inspired me in my life to continue this pursuit towards uh climate solutions and to gather more knowledge about it are my Children. Um I, I want them to have a nice life in their future and I want to pass on to them my knowledge. So that's the reason that I continue to learn more about climate solutions and to contribute to them donating my time to it. And I believe it, it's gonna be something positive for the future. So thank you for everything that you do project draw down and thank you for having me.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Brian: My Children are my inspiration to care about climate change and to pursue uh climate solutions through my professional skills. I want them to have a nice future as well as new generations to come. And that's why I focus on helping as much as I can and donating time towards this cause because I believe we as individuals have that power of creating impact in our communities and in the world. And it's essential to unite humanity and nature in harmony. So my sons are my inspiration towards this.

Produced with Vocal Video