
The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Saudat Kamarre-Deen , Ghana

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Saudat Kamarre-Deen : Hi, I'm so that Kamari, a climate change activist from Ghana. So climate action is an action that requires our collective effort. And for me growing up, I was never used to the term climate change, climate crisis, climate action. So later in life, finding out about climate change and all that it's causing in our environment and our and how it's affecting our world was quite alarming. So doing more research and all I realized that if I have the power to make a difference in the little way I could, then it is something that I should do. So that is when I, I became passionate about the situation and decided to be a climate change activist. So um one way that I, I go about this is to um encourage people around me, Children, young people, adults to be part of the solution because I have come to realize that we can do this together. This is not a one month um work. So for me, I'm I'm passionate about Children because I believe that they are the leaders of tomorrow. And when you help them explore their talent and creativity, they are able, they are able to use it to conserve and protect our environment. That is why I'm very passionate about the climate education project that I'm implementing in my community. And I'm challenging myself to do this because when the Children are well equipped and they know these are the issues, something that I didn't get when I was a child, I'm making it available to them, for them to know. This is the issue, this is what is happening around us. And this is how you can be a part of the solution, right? From a very young age. And that is one way that I'm creating awareness or spreading awareness as well as taking action myself, not using um single use plastics in my water bottles. When I see a switch is on trying to turn it off no matter the place I find myself and other numerous actions that I'm um employing in my life and motivating other people to do. And it is my hope that gradually would all be um climate conscious and that it would come together to do what's right? Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Saudat Kamarre-Deen : Hi, I'm so that Kamarudin, a climate change activist from Ghana. So um I was inspired to um take climate action or to care about climate change by my professor in the university Professor Regina Ate. So after that inspiration, I got from her, I decided to do my further research to find out what is this climate change and how is it affecting our? And I was surprised to see or to get the kind of results that I got or the kind of findings that I had. So then I became passionate about um being a part of the solution and asking myself and asking around how to be part of the solution. And thankfully, I found a few answers here and there. And I further got involved with other um environmental organizations that um further exposed me on how to take action, some of which we did collectively and some initiatives that we shared. And then we keep doing the work that we do. Uh what inspires me to do more is the fact that the um the crisis, the climate crisis is evident all around us. But if you're ignorant, you're ignorant, you do not know that, oh, this is, this is as a result of climate change. And that was me some years back, I could, I was witnessing floods and droughts in the northern part of my country and all the other effects or some of the other effects. But I, I could been really attributed to climate change. So now that I know now that I know and now that I know that we do not have much time left, I'm more inspired to do more and to reach out to as much people as I can because I believe that together we can make a much better impact and then there's no better time to save our world other than now. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video