
The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Archana Raman, India

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Archana Raman: Hello, my name is Arna Rag Man. I'm currently doing my high school. I'm involved in my school's Eco club which aims to educate my fellow schoolmates on climate actions. And I'm an active participant in the club. So what inspired me to get into climate actions and who did so? Uh it was basically a combination of personal experience and influential people in my life growing up, I witnessed gradual climate changes and also news of natural disasters very frequently. So I really wanted to get into and involve myself in climate actions. I was deeply inspired by many activists out there. Ones activist was a NAGI from Himachal Pradesh India who single handedly built forest over a waste snow desert. How interesting. This is a splendid example of afforestation, an initiative to revert climate impacts and to reduce carbon footprint. This initiative of his helped many people to live a quality and sustainable life. This inspired me to impact lives in the best way possible. Now, I'm currently involved in a project to make geothermal power in cooking, involve geothermal power in cooking and replace the cooking gasses which emit carbon footprint by geothermal power and that should be accessible all over the world. So this is my climate story. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video