
Jerod Greenisen for Meet the presenter: PMMC Core In-Person

May 15, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jerod Greenisen, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Optimizely

Jerod Greenisen: Hello, everyone. My name is Jerodd Greenisen and I'm a senior product marketing manager at Optimizely, the world's largest digital laboratory and market leading digital experience platform. A little bit about myself. My career, I didn't know it then, but my crew started when I began building websites for friends and bands out of my dorm room at the U of M. From there, I went on to agencies to help organizations navigate digital transformation, implement effective strategies working with clients like laffer health partners, Bell and Hubspot gave me a deep understanding of customer empathy and a passion for products, which led me to startups and later enterprise software as a product marketing manager, I joined Optimizely in January 2021 I've had a great experience managing our multiple acquisitions and helping the company really position itself as a leader in the DXP category. I manage our customer data platform, our personalization and our integration products. And we've been exploring solution marketing as well.

What can attendees expect to learn from your Product Marketing Core in-person workshop?

Jerod Greenisen: Hey, so what can you expect from this product marketing core in person workshop? Well, first, I really hope that you trust that we'll do our best to get you certified as a product marketing core expert. We're gonna go through all of the course curriculum that the PMA has provided and I'm gonna back that up with some real examples that we've used at Optimizely, so you've got a chance to really sink your teeth in and get a sense for, you know, what does product marketing look like in practice?

How will this training help professionals improve their product marketing skills?

Jerod Greenisen: Look, I think the biggest thing to say here is you're not just getting certified, you are not just getting a presentation on how to do product marketing. With some examples for me, you are entering a very strong community and I can say that as a member myself, I came to the PMA because I was interested in product marketing several years ago. And it's through the PMA that I was able to learn and access the skill sets that have brought me here today. So what does that mean? That means you have a library of templates, you have the Slack group, you have mentorship, you have the Wednesday AMA with an expert. There's a lot that comes along with this certification that's there to support you ongoing even after our time together on our two day workshop. So, when I think about, you know, continuous learning and continuous skill improvements, I think the PMA is well resourced and well organized to help you in growing your career, not just a trade off as many other professional organizations will offer. It is more than just that, that one day or two together, you have access to a really strong community. So that's my take.

How is this workshop different from other product marketing workshops?

Jerod Greenisen: I've already touched on community. I think there are two core differentiators on why the PMA is different. First, they are very focused on the way product marketing gets done. Now, they really have a really modern approach and a modern lens on product marketing. And they have all of these other resources and channels that you can go to, to learn about the various functions that support or run alongside a product marketing like sales enablement or developer marketing. There's really an opportunity for you to tap into a wealth of information beyond just product marketing after you're certified through Product Marketing Core The second thing I'd like to say is you. This really can be something that you can bring a lot into and therefore take a lot out of. So just like with any learning opportunity or classroom environment, I'd say that the fact that you're gonna be in person with us is really, it's really remarkable. This is not, you know, your typical certification where you might be watching a lot of videos to sort of alone at your apartment on your free time. This is really your opportunity to meet other product marketers and collaborate in a room together of learning.

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