
Problem List Pro

August 24, 2022

Testimonials from our PLP'ers across Northern California

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dr. Maya Shaw, Family Med / Berkeley

What do you like most about PLP?

Dr. Maya Shaw: I did my PLP Training a month ago and it has completely changed my clinical practice. It is way easier for me to keep track of the details of my patients health problems. I am noticing things that I had completely ignored for years and catching all sorts of problems that I hadn't addressed and I should have. I feel a lot less stressed out when I get complicated results or consults back because I know that I have somewhere to save that information. That's going to be really useful later. It has just been a profound improvement. My notes are getting done faster but they're also just better and my care is better.

Dr. Sheila Chang: I am totally a fan of PLP And I hope that everybody gets a chance to learn how to do it. Thanks.

Dr. Laure Lee: It is not a long consult type note, but a note designed to record information and relay the plan. It is not required that we document everything we thought of everything the patient said. I think overall using the problem list is far superior than searching each individual note.

Dr. Eryn Xavier: The reasons I love PLP That it provides more continuity. It's faster. It's more efficient, allows me to get my charts closed on time. It is a WIN for me. It's a WIN for patients. It is the most amazing thing all around, and I couldn't imagine practicing any other way.

Dr. Sarah Russell: I just love PLP. It has really made my charting a lot more efficient. It's made me take better care of patients because I'm not likely to miss something buried in the chart somewhere that I wasn't looking for. I have definitely found old conditions that were never followed up on that, I'm now keeping track of every time I refresh the diagnosis list. It really just, I think makes me a better provider for my patients, more thorough and even better than that, I get my charts done really quickly, usually just as I exit the room, the note is done so I love it.

Dr. Alice-Gray Lewis: um because it changed for me, it changed the way I interacted with the electronic medical record. It allowed me to complete the notes a lot faster and that's a huge thing. So it's really twofold. It's not just about the time, it's also about like the organization of the chart. That has really helped me quite a bit.

Dr. Amy Davis: My favorite thing about Problem List Pro is that everything is in one spot and it's easy to access.

Dr. Rajiv Misquitta: At first I was a skeptic actually but after using it I was surprised at how fast I could finish my notes. Also what was interesting is the ability to maintain all the information in the problem list and pruning and keeping instead. So I was actually very pleasantly surprised. I think this is a great tool and I look forward to it's helping me in my practice and with my patients.

Dr. Kisha Hughes: before I see the patient and then when I see the patient again, everything's already organized and it's a quick look and a quick review of what we talked about last time. That really helps. And then having things organized and help me complete the notes before the end of the day or within two days is also very beneficial.

Dr. Fang Lan: That's how much I love PLP I want to say PLP really brought my dream come true. I was a physician who loved to document all my process my thought process into the problem list before. But of course with increasing patient load and pandemic I was not able to do it anymore. And with the PLP Now everything is so handy. Imagine if you have a chronic patient you have been seen over 3-4 years with all kinds of different diagnosis, imaging, treatment, specialists. If I haven't seen that patient for a while and she brought in for the same concern again I will have to review the chart probably for another 10-20 minutes at least. And may still miss a lot of details. But with PLP makes it happen, it's right over there. The first thing I noticed after I apply PLP Is I'm closing the chart after every single patient visit maybe 90% from the beginning. But now it's 99% after two weeks!

Dr. Kara Durand: My most complex patients, the ones that come in with 10 problems and a whole year's worth of chronic conditions to address, are no longer patients. I dread. I get to look forward to seeing these patients that I've known for a decade or more and really feel like I was present for the visit and got to do that part of medicine, which I love so much without feeling frazzled and torn in 10 different directions by all the clinical tasks that I need to complete in that brief visit.

Dr. James Khu: So what I like most about Problem List Pro and I've been using it for about two months now is that one: It allows me to collect patient information in a clear way that makes me a better doctor when I see the patient. Second: is that it saves me time. I get about an hour extra a day since I've been using it. So it's just a gift of time. It's been enormous. So those are the two reasons why I like Problem List Pro that it makes me a better doctor and patient care and then gives me my time back in my JAMM back.

How do you think our awesome specialists could benefit?

Dr. Maya Shaw: I think that doing PLP training is going to be really helpful for our specialists for two reasons. One I think that it's going to help them understand how we've been working up specific problems and sort of the evolution of these problems. That will make it much easier for them to understand why we are involving them. But also if they can keep the problems updated that they are addressing than the rest of us will do a much better job helping to follow their plans and to support what they are doing. It'll help primary care and specialist align better.

Dr. Sheila Chang: I think our specialists can benefit by reading the whole history and get a bird's eye view of their corresponding organ system and they can add to it. So I think it's a wonderful benefit to both sides, the specialists and the PCP.

Dr. Eryn Xavier: I think the specialists could benefit because they could already have the complex history added in the chart. They just make the pertinent updates to the current situation, and it provides really clear continuity between specialists and primary care.

Dr. Rajiv Misquitta: I think it's a great tool and I think it will also help our sub specialists because it could keep the information that they have garnered on the patient of what the important things we need to know in one place. So that could be seen by either their colleagues or or the referral physicians, the primary care physicians or anyone else, and probably keep the medical record pruned in good stead. So I think it's a great tool.

Dr. Kara Durand: Everyone would be on the same page. at a click. The complex and longitudinal plans that a lot of our specialty colleagues have. that might span months or years could be easily captured in one place. So I think it's a great fit for many of our specialty colleagues.

Dr. Chitra Vijayaraghavan: I think since the diagnosis and the work up goes in one place and we keep updating, and there's current information available on the chart, it would be one place to look up for primary care physician and specialists and care coordination as well. So I think it's going to benefit all of us.

Dr. James Khu: Well as a specialist, understanding the Problem List Pro system, it makes it much easier to figure out what's going on with the patients that are outside of my specialty.

How has PLP changed your life/practice?

Dr. Maya Shaw: I understand my patients problems better, my notes are better and they are done faster.

Dr. Sheila Chang: Because it's actually making me think it's making me think like a diagnostician again and it's making me enjoy medicine.

Dr. Fang Lan: Now after the patient visit I just click one button. My note is done. Plus all the important information is in my problem list for me to check next time to of course a save time again for my thought process. Because every time even if it's a chronic medical condition going on for years to go when I see all my medical diagnosis, imaging, test, specialist consultation, treatment response, it's so easy for me to come up with the next step or to know when to do the referral. #3 is I think PLP also improves a patient's perspective because every time when I show the patient, I say I would love you to go over all the problem list with me the medication list with me, the PROMPT list with me, the patient always has a very positive response. It will say wow you're such a thorough doctor. You're the first one doing it for me. And they actually helped me clean up some of the complete redundant medical histories.

Dr. Laure Lee: I find that I asked the same questions and do the same work, but I am more conscientious. In the extent of my documentation. I find that I'm getting out of the office quicker, and I find that the interactive nature of PLP Is actually beneficial in the patient interaction.

Dr. Eryn Xavier: PLP Has completely changed my practice. It really allows me to get my charts closed on time, which was a huge barrier for me. Before everything is more up to date, everything is more concise. Everything is right where it needs to be so I can provide better patient care about the same time close my charts in a timely manner, which has completely changed everything.

Dr. Amy Davis: Problem List Pro just makes my documentation easier, and it also makes it easier for me to follow the documentation of other people who use Problem List Pro. Cuts down on time spent in the chart and it makes it easy to communicate with patients.

Dr. Chitra Vijayaraghavan: I feel my notes have been much more meaningful when I'm going to the appropriate diagnosis and updating them. And of course most of them get done so quickly, which has always been a challenge for me. I also love that I can look back at the work up I have done and I have to put a E-consult or I have to discuss something with patients or specialists and it's all in one place overall. I love it so far! And would be happy to see where this takes us further.

Dr. Carmen Baxter: But I slowly integrated into my practice. And it's made a big difference in my the time commitment for documentation but also my experience with my patients. My MPS scores went up and I'm getting through my charting and my day a little bit faster and with less stress. So it has made a difference in my JAMM. So I am a big fan and I've been encouraging my colleagues to try it out as well. Thanks Stacy and Sam bye.

Dr. Kisha Hughes: PLP has changed my life, I feel less burdened when I go home when, if not all, at least 90% of my notes are already completed.

Dr. James Khu: Really what has changed my life and that I get 1 to 2 hours of my day back, which is invaluable because I have two young kids and those are precious times to go home early and spend time with my family.

Dr. Kara Durand: Problem List Pro has completely changed my clinical practice and I'm a 13 year veteran. Pretty seasoned, Thought I was pretty optimized already. And I am a happier, more thorough, more fulfilled and less clerically-burdened doctor. I've said before to my colleagues, I feel like I have a superpower now, and I couldn't be more grateful.

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