
Jill Monnox for Prepare to Win Video Review

October 20, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jill Monnox, Dressage Rider

What did you come to me for help with?

Jill Monnox: Hi. I went to Sam for help, as quite a few of my friends in the same team that I ride with had also gone to Sam and had some really good results. I'm a confident rider. I think I'm fairly OK, but we just weren't kind of clicking in the dressage arena and things just weren't going as I would have liked to. I was going quite good at home, but just in the competition, things kind of fell apart a little bit, and I think we just weren't getting the scores that we needed. So I thought, "Let's try Sam and then see how we get on from there."

And how has working with me helped you?

Jill Monnox: So, Sam has helped massively, I would say both in the dressage arena, but also outside of the dressage arena as well. We've worked out that I kind of froze a bit when the bell went and her guided visualisations really helped me overcome that. And I went out to do a test almost a week later, after having used her techniques and the bell went and you know what? It's the best results I ever got for my dressage test. But not only that, I had some phone calls regarding my father, who is also ill, and the phone calls that I got didn't break my stride. I was able to kind of contextualise them, understand them, put them to one side and then ride my horse, which is something that I'd really struggled with previously. So thank you very much for that, Sam.

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with me?

Jill Monnox: I honestly would recommend anybody to work with Sam, definitely to have a go. I know not every scheme suits everybody. It's a bit like instructors for riding, but Sam has really helped me. She's benefited me both in the saddle and out of the saddle. She's allowed me to kind of retrain my brain brain in a way, the way that it kind of thinks the way that assesses things, things that kind of stressed me out to understand that and put it back down into a context and then to move forward from it. So I would say, If you're thinking about doing it, do it absolutely do it. You'll be really surprised and it be well worth it as well. So good luck, go for it.

Produced with Vocal Video