
Jessica - Review for Sam at Prepare to Win

March 23, 2023

Show Jumping Confidence and Performance

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jessica

What did you come to me for help with?

Jessica : My name is Jessica Fox. And when Sam and I first met, I was having some, confidence issues. Well, more with nervousness really. Like I was getting quite nervous before I went in the ring, for no, no real reason, I wasn't actually scared or anything. I just was getting quite nervous. And also this led to me really not being able to focus when I went into a competition I would get halfway around and I would, I think, be overwhelmed by thinking "Oh, my God, I need to to ride" or I would be overwhelmed with like, "Wow, this is actually going well", and no matter what those thoughts are, when they're coming at you in the middle of a of a show jumping round that's not what you need to be thinking. So, when I first came to Sam, that's everything I was dealing with, and she gave me so many tools and stuff to help me with that quite quickly, which was really great.

And how has working with me helped you?

Jessica : Working with Sam has not only helped me when I'm out competing, but it's also helped me just day to day, you know, with general confidence, dealing with stressful situations. And I struggle a lot with focusing. I'll be doing something important, and all of a sudden I'll be overwhelmed with thoughts of, you need to focus or, you need to be doing this. You need to be doing that instead of, you know, focusing what I'm doing. And, working with Sam has really helped me tackle that, which I never expected to get out of this because, you know, I expected this course to help me with my mindset when I was riding or around with the horses and show jumping and while it's also completely transformed the way I go and think about competition. But it's really helped, you know, with my university work outside of, outside of the ring, outside of competing. So that was a really unexpected benefit of working with Sam

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with me?

Jessica : To anyone thinking of working with Sam one on one, or joining one of her courses, I would 100% recommend it. She, not only does she give you all the tools and you know all the the ways to work through whatever your issues are, or even if you just genuinely want to, you know better your mindset. Not only does she help with all that, but she actually genuinely cares how you're getting on, Sam often messages me, long after I've completed the course asking how I'm getting on. Or she comments on my posts on instagram congratulating me when I, say that I've been putting things she's taught me to work. So, not only does Sam help me with all, help me with all these issues, she genuinely cares that they're making a difference.

Produced with Vocal Video