
Debbie - Review for Sam at Prepare to Win

March 15, 2023

After joining my Confident Rider Course, Debbie became a more confident horse rider and learned how to overcome her pre-competition nerves and stresses when doing cross country and show jumping.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Debbie Radford-lewis

What did you come to me for help with?

Debbie Radford-lewis: I first met Sam as I came across one of her posters in a local food shop, and I decided that, having had some issues getting my horse around cross country courses and getting around some show jump courses without getting eliminated, my confidence had taken a real bashing. And I decided to invest some time and money in myself rather than my horse.

And how has working with me helped you?

Debbie Radford-lewis: Working with Sam has really helped calm my nerves and pre-competition stresses. The breathing exercises I find I use daily, along with some of the meditations, and I found that I can especially calm my critical voice that I was really harsh on myself, and now I'm able to let things go and become a lot more positive from any outcome.

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with me?

Debbie Radford-lewis: If you are thinking of working with Sam, I would say just go for it! The Confidence Rider Course, is easily done at home of an evening. Once a week for four weeks. But the Portal that you get remains with you, that you can access whenever you want. So even after the course is finished, it's helpful to go to the resources. So, for the money, it's amazing! And as I always thought "Oh, I'll book lessons for myself" ridden, but actually, changing my mindset has had much more of an impact than any amount of ridden lessons has.

Produced with Vocal Video