
Yes prep clip 3

March 28, 2024

Video Transcript

And the majority of the nos we're saying no because it's gonna be a financial constraint to us. So what we did as an organization, if we're getting a majority of saying, uh, yes and the no, but there's the cost that comes to it as an organization, we decided to pay for all uniforms for all of our students this year. So we serve 18,000 students. Um and we're continuously to grow for the next school year. So as a system, we, we felt because the families are saying and correlating with safety and uniforms that we have to meet that need as an organization so that we can get to the to aside from the physio, I mean, you know, Maslow's, we want, we want parents to get to the next level. So if uniforms is what's really, you know, at the table, then we need to meet that need as an organization. We decided to not have uniforms after COVID and we are, everyone really is trying to move on from COVID. And I think it was just another reminder of, you know, all of the, the pain, you know, the suffering that everyone had during those 22 years of, you know, dealing with COVID. So it was just a wonderful way for us to turn the page and to really position our families to start asking about, you know, advocating about academics, which is what we're seeing now, which is wonderful is exactly where we want.

Produced with Vocal Video