
Yes prep clip 2

March 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Led us to start questioning, OK, what measures can we do on campus? What can we control for the students to, because all of the strategies were being implemented, we were adding additional campus staff. Uh we were, you know, ensuring that, you know, at the time, like if there was any, even if there was a, a incident of a weapon on campus, even at a nearby campus location that was in it within our school district, we upped our security measures. So there were things that we were doing on the campus. Uh but in terms of the parents still felt that not enough. So at those parent meetings, when they were discussing, you know, it's not enough, we need more, we want more security, more safety and then the topic of uniforms popped up popped up. And so we were like, ok, what could we do as a school district? Do? We put it as a, um, as a school district, we serve. Houston is just enormous and we have so many different communities. We felt at the time that principals had the decision, could have the decision to decide if their campus communities would revert back to using uniforms. But again, some people were like, it's gonna create confusion system wide. If we have some communities be uniform, some not, it's gonna create uh inequities and because some campuses will go. So there was just so much discussion at that level. Then, uh our chief said, look, we need to ask the families and it was just wonderful to be working with someone who's just, that's a priority. And we just didn't, you know, jump the decision of like, ok, principals can just make the decision. We didn't, we didn't do that. We took a step back. We were listening to the families because at the end of the day, they were the ones who were bringing in those concerns at all of the parent meetings at various campuses. And what did you all learn? We learned that roughly it was, it was a split decision whether they wanted to go towards uniforms, but we looked closer to the nose, the ones that were like, no, we don't, we don't wanna have uniforms and possum does a wonderful job at categorizing. Exactly. What? No. And what was the additional the, but, you know, uh, no, but this.

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