
Actionable Strategies

April 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Making sure you've got different ways, digital or physical badges. I love the pens idea, peer to peer recognition, interactive and engaging assem assemblies, expanding extracurricular options, really leaning on community partners. And I love the opportunity to kind of have smaller spaces uh where you'll have 10 or 12 students. Because classroom management for someone who's not doing that every day can be tough, especially if it gets too big, but thinking about expanding extracurricular options and I suspect if you are not, that's not your natural gift I've seen in almost every school in every community. There is a school or a number of schools who've gotten really good at tapping into community partners to bring in extracurricular options. And then there are considering creating a student mentorship program. Um There uh um my sister was a, a school counselor at a high school in Houston and they had a peer advisory program and those peer advisors really became leaders in the school, but also they trained them in how to help uh mentor other students.

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