
Andre shares his experience with Pinnacle Ai

June 23, 2023

Andre's business skyrocketed thanks to Pinnacle Ai's advanced CRM software. Hear Andre's story and find out how harnessing the power of smart CRM can revolutionize your operations.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Andre Milosavljevic, BuildWise Consulting

Could you describe a time or how Pinnacle Ai has helped you?

Andre Milosavljevic: All right, if you're looking for A CRM, you need to stop looking because Pinnacle AI CRM is the bee's knees when it comes to CRM's, in my opinion. All right, I'm gonna tell you why. Now I've been looking for a CRM for quite a while now. And Pinnacle AI is what has done it for me and my wife actually because we're both using the same platform. So let's get into this, the conversation side of the pinnacle AI CRM is wonderful. You can harness your social media messages or your DM's. You can harness your emails, you can harness your text messages all in one central location and reply to them all from one central location and not having to use various platforms. It's really great and it's just phenomenal and seamless. The other thing is how many of us are using calendar or some sort of calendar platform out there that we have to pay, you know, from my opinion is a ridiculous amount of money. And how many do I know are using Calendly free version? Because they don't want to pay for the extra features or the extra calendars with Pinnacle AI CRM, you get all that within their monthly budget, within their monthly fee, you get unlimited calendars customized to the way that you want and there's no end to it. It's, it's completely seamless and it works exactly like Calendly, integrates with your Google calendar as well. So if you're still using that, it all integrates in one location. Now when it comes to the payment processing side of things, that's another win for it because there's multiple ways that you can integrate your payment system so that you don't have to go around to various platforms, chasing your money and viewing what your balance is, right? Let's get into email marketing and automation. This is where I it sold me because I looked at active campaign. I looked at mailchimp and I looked at various other ones such as convert kit and yada yada yada, right? But Pinnacle AI was the one that sold me. Why? Because within the other email marketing platforms, you have to pay for different things, right? Do you want more contacts? You gotta pay more, do you want more emails sent out? You gotta pay more? Do you want to do text messaging? you gotta pay more with the with Pinnacle AI CRM? You can get everything all in one. There's no limit on how many emails there's no limit on how many contacts you can have there you still got all the the capability of segmenting, tagging and many other features that the other platforms don't have. Plus you got all the automation that you also have to pay for an upgrade on the other platform. So it's all in one package, right? You see where I'm going with this. It's a band aid that covers everything across all platforms. As a business owner, let's get into the next one. Now, the funnels and websites now I transferred my website right onto Pinnacle AI why? Because I want to capture the leads all in one location, my funnels all in one location all on Pinnacle AI why? Because I want to bring it in and the thing is all Pinnacle AI templates are awesome, right? They have a substantial amount of templates out there and they're customizable and the beautiful thing is the way you design your websites is super simple. If you thought Wix or one of those other drop uh drop in pop uh websites out there are easy Pinnacle AI is even easier. It's, it's dummy proof. Really? Now, the other thing that I loved about Pinnacle AI is our membership side. Anyone that's looked for setting up uh a membership or a webinar out there knows the cost that is involved to do. So it's all in the membership section of the Pinnacle AI platform and it's all included in your monthly fee. And the other thing that I love is the chat widget. I can talk to my prospects, my clients or whoever's on my website, live through my phone through my, uh, computer, whatever it might be. Now, the final thing I wanna touch on is their customer service. Their customer service is next to none. You can talk to someone, a real person in under 30 seconds, many times through their live chat on their screen. And then you can also get 1 to 1 live zoom meetings so that they can guide you through everything. Pinnacle AI is the pinnacle of all CRM's and all of your business needs. If you're looking for a CRM, check out Pinnacle AI, you will not be disappointed. Thank you.

How would you describe Pinnacle Ai in three words?

Andre Milosavljevic: All right. How would I describe Pinnacle AI, in three words, your best business tool. That's what I would say. It is your ultimate business tool for someone who's been in business for a while or who's so looking to start up in business. Because if you're looking to start up in business, you're gonna need various platforms for various things. And Pinnacle AI covers it all.

What's the best thing about Pinnacle Ai that makes it unique?

Andre Milosavljevic: The thing that makes Pinnacle AI very unique is not only the platform but their customer service. If you are having some sort of issue regarding, you know, conversation, setting up a funnel, whatever it might be, you have various options, not just one, you can simply hit the chat bot in the corner, but the thing is, it's not a chat bot, you're talking to a live person and usually in my experience under 30 seconds, which is very unique. You how many of us have been waiting for customer service reps for, you know, minutes, hours days, sometimes depending on who you're looking for. Now, if you don't get the answers that you want from the chat bot, which is very rare and you need to a little bit more in depth. Now, they have many other options. You can have live zoom calls with customer representatives that will guide you through various options. If you're having different difficulty setting up email campaigns, if you get, if you're having difficult time setting up, you know, funnels or websites, whatever it might be, they are there to help you.

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