
Alivia Meck for Summer Theatre Camp Stories

August 08, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Alivia Meck

Please introduce yourself and share how Piercing Word Summer Theatre Camp has impacted you.

Alivia Meck: Hi, my name is Alivia Meck. This was my first year at Piercing Word camp. I had so much fun! I love my counselor and my director. Piercing Word has inspired me to memorize so much more. So now I'm going to try to memorize Exodus. And so far I have memorized chapters one and two.

Please share how you saw God moving at camp this year.

Alivia Meck: I really enjoyed the worship time and devotional time. And the devotional that stuck out to me was God knows. Because it says that God knows our troubles and he knows what we're dealing with. And that was just helpful for me and

Share a favorite moment from camp. (funny, spiritual, exciting, or memorable.)

Alivia Meck: I liked making new friends and being with my team and I liked Spirit Days and I loved director time.

Produced with Vocal Video