
Deb spotts - Phoenix College Staff Story

November 02, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Deb spotts

Please tell us a little about yourself: say your name, and how you found your way to your current role at Phoenix College?

Deb spotts: Hi, my name is Deb spots. I'm the development director here at phoenix college and I've been at PC for seven years and I love working with students. I love helping promote higher education as a way for people to improve their lives.

What inspires you to do the important work that you do at PC?

Deb spotts: I'm inspired every day by the students, faculty and staff that I work with here at PC. I see students overcoming so many things to come to campus and to pursue their dreams. And I see faculty so engaged with students and so excited when they see that student get the concept or be inspired by something that they've done in class or another student or something, the teacher or faculty member has told them, and my fellow staff members who are working every day to make sure that this is an amazing place for students to be. So, that's what inspires me to be a Pc.

Please share a few details about the favorite parts of your role and the team at Phoenix College?

Deb spotts: My favorite part of my job and my team at PC is the creativity and the inspiration that we all get from working together and working to make PC the best place to be and the most productive way we can work together to help students achieve their dreams. That's why I love being here.

What makes Phoenix College so special?

Deb spotts: What makes Phoenix College so special? It's the people the people make PC so special. This place up is made up of people who are inspiring and inspired and they go out into the world after they've attended PC and continue to do amazing, wonderful things. And over the past 102 years we've seen so many amazing people come through these doors and go on to do amazing things. And I love to be a part of that history.

Produced with Vocal Video