
Camena Bioscience client testimonial

September 01, 2023

People Puzzles working with Camena Bioscience helping them with their recruitments challenges

Video Transcript

Speakers: Steve Harvey, CEO, Camena Bioscience

What recruitment issues were you experiencing in the business?

Steve Harvey: We're, an early stage bio-tech company and prior to working with People Puzzles, our recruitment process was really messy and really, we hadn't put in place a robust and scalable recruitment pipeline.

How did People Puzzles help to turn things around?

Steve Harvey: We worked with Liz at People Puzzles to put in place a number of items that have really created a scalable recruitment pipeline. So one example of that is to embed candidate tracking software into our website that can manage the process and the communication and the branding associated with the recruitment process of the company.

What impact has this made to your business, and your team?

Steve Harvey: So now our recruitment process is a lot smoother and we haven't struggled to fill roles this year. In fact, we've actually filled five, new roles this year and we'll probably recruit at least another further five people this year as well.

What other benefits have you seen as a result?

Steve Harvey: And now we have a robust pipeline in place, we're able to fill roles relatively quickly. And I think another benefit as well has been that by putting in place this pipeline, it's giving us something to kind of sit back and critique. I think overall, it's provided an opportunity for us to think in deeper ways about the types of candidates we're seeking and how we can improve our recruitment process.

Produced with Vocal Video