
TechMap interview: Penelope Kopala - People Lead Gov.UK BEIS

February 20, 2023

Interview of Penelope Kopala, people lead at the department for business, energy and industrial strategy for the UK government. In here Penelope explains how and what she found valuable about TechMap

Video Transcript

Speaker: Penelope Kopala, People Lead, Civil Service

Tell us about you: where do you currently work, how long you've been in tech recruitment and where did you hear about TechMap

Penelope Kopala: I'm Penelope Coppola, and I've been doing tech recruitment in the civil service for approximately two years. I heard about Tech map from a colleague and I knew that I had to sign up to develop my knowledge.

Why did you decide to get TechMap certified and how would you describe the course?

Penelope Kopala: After having a call with a Tech Map team, I saw how Tech Map can bridge the knowledge gap between recruiters like me and prospective candidates that work in tech. I decided to do the training to be able to better understand our roles, job descriptions, how our teams work together and how I can explain each of the roles to prospective candidates. The course certainly met my expectations. Also, following the training, I can better understand what my tech colleagues are talking about in meetings.

Do you have an example when TechMap has been helpful? Or any feedback from tech people?

Penelope Kopala: Following the Tech Map course, I understood better the contribution of our shared services team to the shared services strategy for government. My confidence when messaging perspective candidates on linkedin also increased.

Produced with Vocal Video