
Elisabeth F.

June 16, 2023

Retireee Elisabeth Fredericksen shares her client experience with Peaks Financial

Video Transcript

Speaker: Elisabeth F., Current Client

Introduce yourself, and tell us what you would say to someone who doesn’t have a financial plan.

Elisabeth F.: Hi, I'm Elisabeth. What would I say to someone who doesn't have a financial plan? I would say, it's never too late to get one.

What made you choose to work with Peaks Financial?

Elisabeth F.: What made me choose to work with Peaks Financial? Some years ago, I attended a weekend workshop put on by Kevin and Christine at Seattle University. And it was, it was two sessions, two Saturdays. And I was, I was very impressed with how they presented a financial plan, how you, how they broke a financial plan down so that people like me could, you know, get it into their heads and understand it. I knew I needed a plan and I needed somebody to help me and, and that was it. I chose them.

How did you feel after going through the financial planning process?

Elisabeth F.: How did I feel after going through the financial planning process? One word "Relieved" because I actually had no idea where I stood for retirement financially. And, Kevin said you're gonna be ok.

If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience with us, what would it be and why?

Elisabeth F.: One word to describe my experience with Peaks Financial is Easy.

Produced with Vocal Video