
Nick Facchiano for PayMore

February 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nick Facchiano

How do you feel about being a PayMore franchisee?

Nick Facchiano: Being a pay more franchisee has been a fun and rewarding experience. I've been a franchisee from their earlier days of Franchising and being a part of it and being able to really watch the brand grow and flourish has been a unique experience. I've been able to network with the other franchisees and share our own experiences. It's also given me a, uh a real sense of development, both personally and professionally.

What was your background before, and what made you franchise with PayMore?

Nick Facchiano: I have a master's in business management and I was focusing my studies on audio engineering in college. I was one of the first employees to work at pay more the first location up in Massapequa, New York. I ended up moving out of state and working for Verizon Wireless where I did sales. and I wanted to end up doing my own thing and I really liked the idea of PayMore. So I reached out to my contacts at PayMore and we got, got a store up and running in Cary, North Carolina. And then a couple of years later I was able to get my second location up and running too.

Why did you decide to add more territory, and where do you see your development in 5 years?

Nick Facchiano: I wanted to add more, territory because I knew that there was a need for the market and it had to be filled here. And I, I wanted to be a part of that growth and development. and I would like to continue doing that for as long as I can.

Produced with Vocal Video