
What Problem Does Passage Preparation Solve?

August 02, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nathan Estel

What problem does Passage Preparation solve?

Nathan Estel: Teaching is hard. And teacher licensure tests are equally as hard and they are for a reason, the public deserves to know that when someone's given the keys to the classroom that they understand the content they're charged with teaching. So what problem do we solve? By the time anyone takes these tests, it has probably been a few years since they've been exposed to a lot of the content that's covered on the test. So let me just take a step back and talk about how much content is covered on a particular test in a particular mathematics test. For instance, this is all of the information that someone needs to know to be able to teach a pre-algebra course or potentially a calculus course. So if you think back to your own experiences in your high school, uh as you matriculated through high school or potentially in college and all of that content that your teacher knew that's a lot to demonstrate in one setting that you have a firm understanding of. So if you matriculated through a traditional four year program, a lot of those math courses that you took the content that you'll need from those courses in your freshman and sophomore year are gonna be covered on that test that you're not taking to your senior year. But if you're changing careers and you have been in another industry before deciding that you want to answer your call to become a teacher and you enter into a, into an alternative certification program, you've been 10, 15, maybe 20 years away from that content. So what problem do we solve? We help demystify the content that's going to be covered on the tests. We don't replace the four year Baccalaureate degree. We certainly don't replace that advanced course work. But what we do is hopefully help you to understand what's going to be on the test, how it's going to be assessed and most importantly why it's important when you enter the classroom.

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