
Oversight in One Word

September 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Kristin Reichman, VP - Marketing. Scott Martin, Director, Data Analytics. John Pascoe, Senior Client Enablement Manager. Steve Wagner, Director of Demand Generation. Harry Singleton, Senior Client Success Manager. Jill Sutton

Jill Sutton: So, Oversight in one word is oversight - an overwhelmingly vivacious, engaged, resilient, smart, insightful, great, happy team. That's Oversight.

Steve Wagner: How would I describe Oversight in one word? Dedication.

John Pascoe: The word I would use to describe Oversight is stewardship.

Harry Singleton: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... indubitably.

Scott Martin: One word I would use to describe Oversight is unique.

Kristin Reichman: Magnificent.

Produced with Vocal Video