Hi, my name is Tom. And our family has been using Oto Zen. Uh, going on two years now. We, we first got it when my oldest son, uh, got his learner's permit and now he's a teenage driver. In fact, we have two teenage drivers, one who's driving all the time and one who's got his permit. And so we love that we can see, uh, where they are and how they're getting there. My wife and I love the many features on Oto Zen, including how it talks, uh, it gives them a score when they drive. And so we really enjoy, uh, you know, seeing how well they're doing when they're not with us. And, uh, and we're able to kind of even review that and go, hey, do you know how fast you're going? It says here you're on your phone. And, uh, and so we've enjoyed those features. We also enjoy the affordability of Auto Zen. And so it fits right for our family. And, uh, and actually I got a third teenage driver, she's coming up. So, uh, we'll be using it with her as well. And, uh, so thank you Auto Zen. We appreciate it.