
What are OASBO members thankful for this year? - 4

November 24, 2022

Video Transcript

Speakers: Dolores Cramer, Retired Treasurer/Consultant/Mentor. Mark Pepera, Brunswick City Schools. Randy Drewyor, Treasurer/CFO, Perrysburg Exempted Village School District. Chris Potts, Chief Operating Officer, Upper Arlington City Schools. Erik Roush, Executive Director - Financial Affairs, Columbus City Schools. Jeffrey J. Eble, Director of Business, Worthington Schools. Scott Gilbert, Springboro Community City School District

What are school business professionals thankful for this year?

Scott Gilbert: Hello. My name is Scott Gilbert and I am the executive director of business services with the Springboro School District. This Thanksgiving. I am extremely thankful to our support staff, our teachers, our administrative team and our community and for the focus that they have in providing excellent educational services and life experiences for our students. I am also extremely thankful to the men and women who serve in the armed services to protect our freedoms, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Jeffrey J. Eble: Hello, I'm Jeff Eble and I serve as director of business for Worthington Schools. What am I thankful for? this year in my district? Certainly thankful for our great employees, our kids, our community, but particularly thankful this year to our community that supported our election issue in November. We had a incremental operating levy, a permanent improvement levy and a $234 million dollar bond issue on the ballot and it was they were all substantially supported by our community. So certainly a big thanks to them for supporting the district and for the ability that they're giving the district to move forward and improve buildings and maintain operations and and so on.

Erik Roush: What I'm most thankful for in my district this year is the amazing team that I work with every day that supports the students and the staff of Columbus City Schools.

Chris Potts: My name is Chris Potts. I'm the Chief Operating Officer for Upper Arlington City Schools. I am thankful for a supportive community that puts kids first in our district and the amazing colleagues I get to work with every day. Go Bears.

Randy Drewyor: Happy holidays everyone. Despite all the challenges over the last couple of years, I'm so thankful for how our faculty, administration and support staff never lost focus on what was most important and that is educating each and every one of our students.

Mark Pepera: I am most thankful for the hardworking staff we have that come to work each day for the benefit of our students. I'm also thankful for our community, their understanding and patience during these difficult times. And most of all our students, their resiliency has been incredible during these times, with all the changes that have been going on. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Dolores Cramer: So what am I thankful for in my district this year? Well, since I'm not in a district and haven't been since 2010, what I'm going to share with you is what I am thankful for in many districts across the state. This year, I have been blessed with being able to have the opportunity to meet so many amazing new treasurers. New to the profession, not so new to the profession, board members, and superintendents in doing treasurer searches across the state. Being a longtime mentor and loving the profession so much, I'm very thankful to see how many new people are interested in the profession that I have loved so much. Wishing you all the best.

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