
Jared Bunting - What Are You Thankful For?

November 18, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jared Bunting, Chief Financial Officer, Jackson City Schools

Jared Bunting: I am thankful for many things at Jackson City Schools. First and foremost, being that I have a wonderful staff that makes it possible for me to be involved in ways that would not be feasible without. I can dedicate time to OASBO as a board member and legislative committee chair. board member and legislative committee chair. I'm also able to be involved with the Fair School Funding Workgroup. Without the tireless efforts of my tremendous staff, I would not be able to accomplish these things, which not only benefit Jackson City Schools, but Ohio public schools. Of course, I could not forget the administrative staff, as well as the teaching and support staff of the district. Without them, we would not have been one of 11 schools in the state to be invited to apply for the 2022 National ESEA to be invited to apply for the 2022 National ESEA to be invited to apply for the 2022 National ESEA to be invited to apply for the 2022 National ESEA Distinguished School Award. Everyone contributes to the success of the students at Jackson City Schools, whether it be directly or indirectly, the entire staff does a fabulous job. Finally, I would like to thank the school board and community for which I would not be able to enjoy my time here at Jackson without. They provide support and confidence in the decisions that are made by me, the superintendent and other administrators daily. It has been a pleasure to have joined the team at Jackson earlier this year. I have only touched on a few of the things that I am thankful for here at Jackson and I look forward to being thankful for even more in the future. I want everybody to have a safe, happy and restful, Thanksgiving. Thank you

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