
Customer Testimonial Videos - Banu Tomruk

October 24, 2022

Functional Nutrition for Better Health

Video Transcript

Speaker: Banu Tomruk

Could you describe a time that nutritious dr helped you?

Banu Tomruk: Hi, my name is Banu Tomruk and I've been working with Nesko and BB for about a year now. I met them through a group session and I fell in love with their energy. So I wanted to work with them individually and approach them. So I'm my primary concern was that I wanted to lose some weight but also wanted some support in terms of managing my acid reflux plus, learning. You know what kind of supplements I would need. So after looking at my blood work, they gave me some supplements and what makes them incredibly amazing is that they're well, super knowledgeable, always available and very supportive. But they go above and beyond. Nothing is like a cookie cutter recipe and you get individualized support according to your needs. And if you're like me and on your health journey you would like some support. I would look no further. You'd be in great hands with these two amazing women.

How would you describe nutritious dr in three words?

Banu Tomruk: How I would describe nutritious doctor in three words is that they are knowledgeable, available and supportive.

Why is nutritious dr different from other similar products or services?

Banu Tomruk: What makes nutritious doctor different from the other um services for me is the individualized support that you get from Burcu and Nesko. Um, There are no cookie cutter recipes. What I mean by that is if you go to a dietician. Typically what you get is a list of things you can eat and the next person probably would get the same thing with unesco uh they listen to you, they understand your challenges, they understand your lifestyle and then they give you something customized to your needs.

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