
Molly O'Shea, MD, FAAP for Nurture Genomics Video Testimonials

May 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Molly O'Shea, MD, FAAP

What is Nurture?

Molly O'Shea, MD, FAAP: People ask me. Ok, Dr. Molly What is this Nurture that you're doing? Well, Nurture is amazing because with just a tiny cheek swab, your child's entire DNA is sequenced stored and screened for over 400 conditions. They're super hard for me to diagnose.

Molly O'Shea, MD, FAAP: And these conditions sometimes have really vague symptoms, they overlap with other things. And so I have to do a lot of tests or I have to order a lot of scans or they have to see a bunch of specialists in order to try to figure it out. But Nurture gives me the answer key to the quiz. So as a result, if a child has a Nurture screen done, I know what I'm looking for.

Produced with Vocal Video