
Developmental Services Staff on Company Culture

June 20, 2024

Meet Robin, Ryan and Tammy and hear what they have to save about the culture at Northern Human Services.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Robin, Ryan & Tammy, Developmental Services

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Northern Human Services.

Robin, Ryan & Tammy: Hi, my name is Robin. I'm a nurse trainer for Northern Human Services and my name is Ryan. I'm a vocational coordinator for Northern Human Services. I'm Tammy. I'm one of two housing coordinators for Common Ground.

What is the best part about living, working and playing in the North Country of New Hampshire?

Robin, Ryan & Tammy: I like living in Littleton because it was a great place to raise my children. Didn't have to worry about crime and small community. For me, the best part about living in the North Country is just, it's beautiful here. I can just look outside my window and see the mountains and nature and watch the birds and it's very peaceful. What I like most about living here is it's quiet, there's not a lot of traffic. There's not a lot of crime. It is a good place to raise your kids and there's lots to do outside. I enjoy staying by the water a lot and just having fun.

What are 3 words you would use to describe the culture at Northern Human Services?

Robin, Ryan & Tammy: Since the question asks, what are the three words, we're each gonna take a word to describe the culture here and, and what it's like to work here. My word would be fun. Not only is like the nuts and bolts of my job fun, but my coworkers are super fun to, to come and see every day and talk with and, and we just have a lot of fun in our office environment. I don't have a particular word but what I love about our culture here is how I feel about my coworkers. We communicate. It doesn't matter what department we work in. We talk to each other, we help each other with problems. Anything that comes up, we have each other's back. I forgot what I was going to say. That's all right. Let's keep, it's all good. It's all good, Tammy. We've got your back. Oh, thanks. Are you gonna stop it now, Robin? What's your word? My word is, I love the flexibility. Raising children, it's nice to know that you're not told that you can't attend your child's soccer games. Basketball games, anything to do with, your children. Flexible even for us, for doctor's appointments. It's just, refreshing to know that you could leave and not have it be held against you. I worked in a hospital setting for many years and you were there for 12 hours. You couldn't leave to do anything. My word is flexible. Flexible Flexibility. Tammy... Thanks.

Produced with Vocal Video