
Mariah, Developmental Services Direct Support Professional - Community Integrator on Happiness at Work

June 21, 2024

Meet one of our direct support professionals and learn about what makes her happiest while working for Northern Human Services.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mariah, Developmental Services Direct Support Professional ommunity Integrator

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Northern Human Services.

Mariah: My name is Mariah. I'm a community integrator here in Northern and I've worked here about eight months and I was previously a community integrator for about a year back before the pandemic.

What is the best part about living, working and playing in the North Country of New Hampshire?

Mariah: I think the best part about living and working in the North Country is the community atmosphere that we have. Whether it's here at the agency, or out in the community or just even at home with your neighbors. I've lived outside of the North Country and it's just not the same. It's not the same level of friendly neighbor, community member checking in on you. Stopping to chat with you. Those are just some of the really little things that I appreciate up here is how close everybody is. How interconnected all of us can be. Especially when working at a place like Northern. And you work directly with these people that you might see outside of work. Just having that small community where everyone is trying to do their best for everyone around them.

What makes me happiest about working at Northern Human Services?

Mariah: What makes me the happiest to work at Northern Human Services is working with the people that we serve and giving them the opportunity and the experiences that they deserve to just do what they want, giving them their power back, helping them find their purpose, find where they belong. It's very fulfilling. It's very rewarding work. And it helps you find your purpose in your belonging as well.

Produced with Vocal Video