
Jack, Licensed Mental Health Clinician on "A Day in the Life"

June 04, 2024

Jack, a licensed mental health clinician talks about a "day in the life" of a mental health clinician at Northern Human Services.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jack, Mental Health Clinician

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Northern Human Services.

Jack: Hi, my name is John Dunn. I'm a clinician in the Berlin Mental Health Center. I'm known as Jack, to colleagues and clients. I've been in Northern for about four and a half years and I'll be here for five years in September.

What is the best part about living, working and playing in the North Country of New Hampshire?

Jack: What's the best part of living, working and playing in the North Country. Fact is you can do that, all seasons in the winter. You can ski, snowmobile, snowshoe, ice fish just about everything. I like to snowshoe and

Jack: Spring is a great time for bike riding. I also have three kayaks and so we do a lot of that and other outdoor activities with our family.

What does a typical (or not so typical) day look like for you?

Jack: What's an average day like? Well in working in human services, and agencies, the past probably 15 or 20 years, I've been told that no, two days are alike, and you'll never get bored. So that's good advice. One thing that I do is I will come in every day, see what I have planned. And usually I either have meetings, other responsibilities at the hospital, seeing clients and, other things that I do with programs that I've been involved with for some time and sometimes that may change, you may have somebody who's coming in crisis or some other situation that comes up. So, you have to learn to be flexible, you have to learn how to pivot. But you also have to learn to take care of yourself because if you're, thinking about yesterday, today, that may keep you keep you tied down or slow down. It's also important to be flexible and understand that, you're dealing with people and things can change. So if you can be flexible and, work through, the challenges of the day, you'll do fine. And one thing that I always tell clients and others is, if you're feeling better leaving than coming in, that is a good day.

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